根据一项研究,公司平均支付新员工比现有员工高7%的薪水,但薪信息息分享的禁忌使得这些差异被隐藏起来。近期,纽约实施了一项薪资透明度法律,使公司在工作职位上公布了薪资范围。但它也揭示了公司的不平等薪酬政策。最近一位25岁亚裔妹子 Kimberly Nguyen 发现自己工作的招聘广告薪资比她高很多。她在推特上写道:“我的公司在领英上列出了我目前正在做的工作(招聘另一名用户体验写手),现在由于薪资透明度法律,我发现他们打算支付这个人比他们目前支付我的薪水高32k-90k美元,所以我申请了这个职位。”
My company just listed on LinkedIn a job posting for what I’m currently doing (so we’re hiring another UX writer) and now thanks to salary transparency laws, I see that they intend to pay this person $32k-$90k more than they currently pay me, so I applied.
— Kimberly Nguyen (@knguyenpoetry) March 7, 2023
If the difference where like $10-15k I feel like I’d be less upset. But I’ve been asking for a raise for months and they’re out here flaunting they’re willing to pay a new person at least $32k more than me??? For the same job??
— Kimberly Nguyen (@knguyenpoetry) March 8, 2023
这个职位所列的工资范围也比Nguyen目前的薪水高得多,这让当前员工感到更加不满。Kimberly Nguyen之后更新说,她的公司告诉她这个招聘岗位原本是内部招聘。但这并没有解决一个问题,那就是公司内部仍会有人比她多赚32,000美元以上的工资。此外,令人遗憾的是,有关薪资公平和透明度的讨论很快就转向了可能裁员的话题。Kimberly Nguyen总结道:“因为有什幺比威胁员工失业更好的方法来让他们接受现状并闭嘴呢?”
I have also been arguing for months about the pay inequity. I have told my managers multiple times that I know I’m being underpaid. I have gotten the runaround, and they know they can do this right now in a tough labor market.
— Kimberly Nguyen (@knguyenpoetry) March 7, 2023
They're saying it was an internal posting and wasn't meant for anyone to apply to externally because public companies legally have to post jobs even if it's an internal conversion...but that doesn't solve the fact that someone internally is now still going to make $32k+ more???
— Kimberly Nguyen (@knguyenpoetry) March 8, 2023
As a corporate manager I can tell you best way to get a raise is to show them you have another offer. Majority of corpos will underpay you and sometimes your manager can try to go through hell to get you on more equitable pay zone and it will not work.
— Tom Fogbound (@FogboundT) March 8, 2023
Nguyen 还表示自己没想到自己的抱怨能引发这么多网友的共鸣,她表示:“我只是在抱怨,我没有预料到我的抱怨会引起这么大的反响。人们经常在互联网上抱怨,但并不会变得这么火爆。我真的很受到这么多关注的压力。”